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Simply Unbeatable Palmtop Essentials Repository

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Data Perfect (2.5 KB) added 05/23/1999 (Database)
Version 2.6 by Lew Bastian

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
This formerly commercial relational database program is now available as freeware. (GIVAWARE) Support is maintained in the WPUSER forum on CompuServe. Ralph Alvy sells a book that will supply documentation for the program. This ia an updated URL.
Database to World Time (1 KB) added 04/06/1999 (Database)
Version 1.0 by Ed Keefe

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Database to World Time contains the batch files and debug scripts to convert a database file to one that can be loaded into the World Time or Notetaker apps on the palmtop. The documentation is contained in the Mar/Apr 1999 issue of the HP Palmtop Paper "Quick Tips". Freeware.
DATECHECK & INT TRAP Manager (37 KB) added 06/14/1999 (Driver)
Version 0.04 by TabiKuro

This archive contains two device drivers. DATEMAN checks the system date when your HP 100/200LX gets reset. If the date is found to be 01/01/80, the date in C:\}DAT\SETUP.ENV is used instead. ICNSP is a device driver used to show icons and will make your machine more Mac-like. The documentation has been partially translated into English. NokoWare.
Datefile - File Stamper Utility (0,8 KB) added 08/28/2002 (Utility)
Version ? by unknown

This is a very small batch file solution which implements a tool to modify a file's date/time stamp. Very reliable and easy to use.
DateKey (14 KB) added 09/06/1998 (Keyboard)
Version 1.00 by Hiroyuki Sekiya

DateKey is a TSR program to enable usage of the [DATE] and [TIME] keys in DOS. Originally part of the software collection sold with the "HP200LX Software Bible" co-authored by Hiroyuki Sekiya and Hirotaka Hamada, published by Softbank, Tokyo, in April 1996 (ISBN4-89052-911-X). Now released as copyrighted freeware.
DateTest (26 KB) added 10/22/1997 (Miscellaneous)
Version 1.0 by Lihu Avital

DateTest is a small utility to make sure your HP's time is correct after you do a reset. Freeware.
DATEXAS (89 KB) added 11/14/1999 (Miscellaneous)
Version 1.0 by Stefan Lombaard

DATEXAS records the vital signs of a patient during an operation. It interfaces with a Datex AS3 anasthetic machine with a 9-pin serial cable and results are saved in CSV format. Freeware
Dave's Readme Compiler (260 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Text)
Version 2.1 by David Harris

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Dave's Readme Compiler is a utility program that will take marked up text files and convert them to a text-based, DOS help file with menus. Similar to the Borland or Windows "help" files. Freeware.
David's World(time) (40 KB) added 04/18/1999 (Database)
Version 1.0 by David Lawrence

David Lawrence's customized World Time database of 1147 entries converted to GDB format. Freeware.
Days (13 KB) added 03/23/1999 (Miscellaneous)
Version 1.1 by Dr. David J. Bird

Offsite file. This program, written specifically for the HPLX, will calculate the amount of time, in any units from seconds to years since or to any given event. Inspired by Lord Jonin's "Clock of Doom" program from some years ago, but Days handles leap years automatically. Freeware.
DBCALC (44 KB) added 11/16/1997 (Database)
Version 1.02 by Harry Konstas

DBCALC is a very handy program for calculating values inside a HP database file (GDB). Will do sum, average, minimum and maximum. Copyrighted freeware.
DBCHECK - Check Integrity of Database files (8 KB) added 01/22/2002 (Database)
Version 1.73 by Curtis Cameron
Screen Capture

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
The DBCHECK program is intended to help find corruption of your data files. It can be used in a DOS batch file to prevent backing up a file with corruption, so that your good backup isn't overwritten with a corrupted file. Or you can use it from the DOS command line to inspect a file whenever you want. Freeware. Check for a more recent version on C. Cameron's homepage
DBF to HTML (18 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Import-Export)
Version 1.0 by Simone Govoni

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
DBF2HTML reads a DBF file and creates a file which contains an HTML table with the records of the DBF file, ready for web-publishing. Freeware.
DBLearn (49 KB) added 11/22/1996 (Database)
Version 1.4 by Viczian Gergo
Screen Capture

DBLearn is a simple program to help you learn the contents of any HP 100/200LX database. It randomly asks you words from your databse and records how mnay you got right. Freeware.
DBTEST (29 KB) added 09/16/1999 (Database)
Version 1beta by Jorgen Wallgreen

This is the beginnings of a great EXM database program using the 200LX's built-in database functions. Source code is included and Jorgen hopes that someone is able to "take the ball & run with it" to create a much needed EXM software program for the LX.
DBView (69 KB) added 11/11/1996 (Database)
Version 2.0 by Harry Konstas
Screen Capture

DBview is a database viewer for GDB/NDB/PDB database files, having the same look and feel as the built-in database application. Freeware.
Debug script collection (40 KB) added 07/04/2004 (Programming)
Version -- by John Jones, Jeff Prosise, Dale Lewallen

Collection of useful Debug scripts (assembler), packed into a batch file, including the batch file which packs scripts. New version has more scripts and better documentation.
Debug tutor (62 KB) added 03/31/2003 (Programming;Reference)
Version ? by Submitted by John Jones

two DEBUG tutors, one in HTML format, one as plain text.
DebugBatch (108 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Programming)
Version 1.4 by Armin Mueller

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Sometimes useful, sometimes flakey, the Batch Debug program will let you debug simple DOS batch files interactively. You can single-step through a knotty batch file and find out why it fails then correct the error in the built-in editor. The tutorials work fine, but back up everything before trying it with your own batch files. This is version 1.4 of this shareware product that is hard to find.
Decisions (10 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Productivity)
Version 3.10 by Armada Systems

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) aids in decision and problem analysis. Helps you to quantify subjective or intangible factors. Applications: location planning, strategic planning, cost/benefit analysis, recruiting, employee evaluation, resource allocation, product evaluation, sales forecasting, taste testing, problem analysis, market research, etc. Shareware.
Demo Workshop (227 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Productivity)
Version 1.2b2 by P2 Enterprises

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Demo Workshop v1.2B2 - Beta release of Demo/Tutorial Maker. Use this program to create standalone presentations using screens recorded (in motion) from DOS programs. Cut and resequence scenes, add pop-up menus & text windows. Shareware.
Demo Workshop1 (184 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Productivity)
Version 1.1N by P2 Enterprises

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Demo Workshop creates on-line presentations that can be used as software demonstrations and tutorials. NOTE: this will not work with any EXM application nor those written with the PAL library. It's strictly text based. Shareware. Earlier, more stable version.
Derivitive Utility (34 KB) added 10/26/1999 (Calculator)
Version 1.0 by Michael Perry

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Diff : A command line derivitive utility. Just type diff followed by the expression of which you'd like the derivative. Any differentiable expression containing numbers, variables, constants, operators, and pre-defined functions will work. Along with the derivitive, Diff will provide a simplified expression.
Dexter (113 KB) added 05/22/1997 (Text)
Version 2.01 by Fagerlund Consulting

Dexter is a full-featured DOS text editor that works well on the palmtop. Can edit up to 615 files simultaneously with cross-file search and replace. Shareware.
DFL - Duplicate File Locator (0 KB) added 01/23/2002 (Disk;Utility)
Version 3.40 by ??

Offsite file: DFL is a complete software system to locate, view, compare and delete duplicate files on your system, on subdirectories or on network drives.
DHCP Handler (15 KB) added 01/28/2002 (Communication)
Version - latest by Andreas Garzotto

Offsite file: DHCP.EXE is a utility that uses the DHCP protocol to find out a client's IP address along with some other essential network parameters. It can be used with an ethernet card and packet driver and supports the WWW/LX software suite. Not guaranteed to work on all networks. Copyrighted freeware.
DIA (Diary for 1000CX) (3 KB) added 06/18/1999 (Productivity)
Version 1.1 by Jorgen Dybdahl

DIA is a UNIX-like calendar program that scans through a calender file called C:\CALENDAR and outputs to standard output (i.e. normally the screen; the output can be redirected to a file or piped to over programs). Copyrighted freeware.
DIAL (9 KB) added 04/13/1997 (Communication)
Version 1.1 by Toshiki Sasabe (Janbe)

DIAL is a system manager-compliant program that will read a number from the clipboard and send it to the modem. Combined with a system macro and the phonebook, it turns your expensive HP 100/200LX into an autodialer. Copyrighted freeware.
Dict/LX (884 KB) added 04/11/2001 (Reference)
Version 1.0 by Ariel Brosh

Dict/LX is a dictionary program, aimed at translating words or short expressions from one language to another. This package comes without dictionatries for a specific language. Click here to search for the "little brother" MiniDict. You can download language packages here or from http://www.freedict.com or http://dict.hplx.net. Copyrighted freeware.
DIET (69 KB) added 06/16/2002 (Miscellaneous)
Version 1.1 by Duane Becker

DIET is a meal planning and weight loss program for the palmtop. Includes caloric tables, daily food intake log, and weight trackign and charting. Copyrighted freeware. New version contains a Y2K bugfix.
Diet Compressor (27 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Miscellaneous)
Version 1.45f by Teddy Matsumoto

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Diet is file compressor. It works much like PKLite to compress some EXE and all COM files. Beyond that it will compress other files. It can even be run as a a TSR to automatically decompress data files when they are called from disk. This version is hard to find elsewhere. Freeware.
DiffEQ Solver (140 KB) added 10/26/1999 (Calculator)
Version 2.6 by Keith Briggs

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
ODE -A program for the interactive solution of systems of ordinary differential equations IBM PC version 2.6 Keith Briggs PO Box 75 Heidelberg West 3081 Australia RESTRICTIONS: No saving of ODE files. No sixth order Runge-Kutta method. No Bulirsch-Stoer method. No fixed step size. No transient steps. No printer support. No mouse support. ODE solves numerically initial value problems for systems of ordinary differential equations such as arise in all branches of science. The solution is presented graphically or as a table of values. ODE contains a text editor for manipulating the equations. It is suitable for teaching and small research problems.
Dir synchronizer (17 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Disk)
Version 1.0 by Peter G. Aitken

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
UPDATE takes two file sources, such as a floppy disk and a hard disk subdirectory, and synchronizes them so both contain the latest version of your files. This makes it easier to move files between home and work computers. Freeware.
Directory Compare (133 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Disk)
Version 6.07? by Bruce Guthrie

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Directory Compare Updates files in one subdirectory based on files in another subdirectory. Similar to DOS's REPLACE command but deletes extra files in the destination subdirectory, copies hidden and system files, and prepares a report showing inconsistencies. Freeware.
Directory Freedom (217 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Disk)
Version 4.60 by Gordon Haff

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Directory Freedom is a file manager that will let you move, copy, delete files like Filer. It will also let you look inside compressed files to see what they contain. Shareware.
Directory Maven (25 KB) added 01/26/1999 (Disk)
Version 1.3 by Kent Briggs

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
DIRECTORY MAVEN v1.3 - Quickly change to any directory on any drive from the DOS command line or view the directory trees of all your drives. Freeware from Briggs Softworks. (C) 1994-1998
DIRTABLE (1,5 KB) added 03/31/2003 (Utility)
Version 1.0 by John Jones

A hybrid Batch/QBasic program that converts specified files to HTML table. No frills, first version, but simple and reliable - tested on 200LX, Windows XP, 468 DX2-66 with DOS 6.2.
DISP (2 KB) added 01/29/1998 (Screen)
Version 1.0 by Laust Brock-Nannestad

DISP is a small utility for the HP 100/200LX that turns the display on and off. Useful for increasing processing speed and lowering power consumption. Copyrighted freeware.
DLG Viewer (162 KB) added 08/22/1998 (Mapping)
Version 2.0 by Alfred Lee
Screen Capture

DLG Viewer is a United States Geological Service (USGS) Digital Line Graph (DLG) viewing and GPS moving map display utility. DLG is a DOS program ideally suited to run on the HP 100/200LX. The latest version handles rectangular and sinusoidal PCX maps and can invert them. Copyrighted freeware.
DOC2TXT (8 KB) added 08/28/1998 (Text)
Version 0.2 by Neil Tungate

DOC2TXT is a DOS utility that will convert PalmPilot DOC format PRC files to text so you can take advantage of all the Pilot etexts out there. Copyrighted freeware.
DOCHTML (9 KB) added 08/26/1998 (Text)
Version 1.1 by Vivek Venugopalan

DOCHTML is a DOS application that will convert an HP 100/200LX memo file directly into HTML. Copyrighted freeware. The source code is now available on SourceForge!
DOCRTF (32 KB) added 01/27/1997 (Text)
Version 2.2 by Thomas Lienhard

DOCRTF converts formatted HP MEMO documents to RTF format and vice versa. RTF files can be imported into most word processors. Handles bold, underline, fields, page-breaks and others. Postcardware.
Dominoes (28 KB) added 05/03/1998 (Game)
Version 2.2 by Curtis Cameron
Screen Capture

Dominoes for the HP 100/200LX. A new version with some improvements and bug fixes. Copyrighted freeware. Check for a more recent version on C. Cameron's homepage
DOS Demo Maker (324 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Miscellaneous)
Version 2 by R.Janorkar

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Create slide show demos & presentations with screen effects. The presentations created are self EXEcuting programs that end users can run.
DOS Drinks Database (154 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Miscellaneous)
Version 1 by B.M.W.Programs

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
THE HOME-BARTENDERS GUIDE will tell you how to mix and serve many popular highball and cocktail drinks. (Freeware)
DOS Edit (48 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Productivity)
Version 9.0 by Microsoft

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
DosEdit version 9 is a direct replacement for the MS-DOS editor. However this version does not require you to have BASIC on the disk. It was written and compiled in BASIC so expect that it will interfere with the serial port of the Palmtop. Freeware.
DOS Logo (203 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Programming)
Version 3.1 by Lincoln Sudbury HS

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Another version of Logo. Converted from Unix to run in DOS. Freeware.
DOS Rogue Clone (65 KB) added 03/31/2003 (Game)
Version 2.0.1 by Michael Lehotay
Screen Capture

Author's homepage: http://post.queensu.ca/~lehotay/yendor.html. This is an excellent DOS port of the Rogue, similar in gameplay to the Jon Lane verison that's been on SUPER for years, but with the fell of the Unix Rogue versions. Derived from Tim Stoehr's Rogue 5.3 clone version III and uses the same character graphics as the Unix Rogue.
Dos Utilities (28 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Programming)
Version 1.0 by Jim Berkes

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Here is another set of 30 DOS utilities and 16 text files describing their use. You can convert a DOS directory to a Web document, check the parallel port of anything but a Palmtop, password protect data files, grab text screens and load them in am editor: lots more unusual stuff. Freeware.
Dos Utilitites (94 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Disk)
Version 1.0 by Pinnacle Software

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
This archive contains 31 utilities to manage the files on your Palmtop along with examining the capabilities of the screen on your desktop. Some of these programs are unique. They're not just another version of the same old utilities. Shareware.
DOSAMATIC (41 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Miscellaneous)
Version 2.06 by Marin Pacific Software

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
DOSamatic combines a point and press user interface with a powerful multi-tasking facility allowing you to run several programs at the same time. This is somewhat like System Manager or Software Carousel but on a much smaller scale. Shareware.
DOSCLIP (3 KB) added 01/06/1997 (Productivity)
Version 1.04 by Hirojuki Sekiya

DOSCLIP is a TSR that will allow the use of the clipboard with a DOS application running under System Manager. Copyrighted freeware.
Dosclock (1828 KB) added 12/12/2005 (Utility)
Version by

Positionable DOS Clock
DOSGUI (65 KB) added 03/19/2002 (Disk;Productivity;Utility)
Version 1.3 by Igor Pool

DOSGUI is an equivalent to the built-in File Manager, but runs under plain DOS.
DosLine (8 KB) added 01/30/1997 (Productivity)
Version 1.0 by Masaki Tsumori (Brahma)

DosLine is a System Manager-compliant program that will allow you to run a DOS program from any System Manager screen without leaving your program. It is very useful from the Filer screen. Requires MoreEXM. Highly recommended. Copyrighted freeware
DosTutor (262570 KB) added 12/12/2005 (Reference)
Version by

Good DOS Tutor
Double-Nine Dominoes (29 KB) added 07/17/1998 (Game)
Version 1.0 by Curtis Cameron
Screen Capture

Double-Nine is a dominoes game played with tiles numbered blank through nine. Much higher scores are possible, but the mental calculations are much greater, also. Copyrighted freeware. Check for a more recent version on C. Cameron's homepage
Doubleslot Doublespeed Patch (2 KB) added 01/05/1999 (Driver)
Version Test2 by Tetsushi Yamamoto (Digiyama)

DS_PAT applies a patch to the driver for the Accurite Technologies Doubleslot dual PCMCIA adapter so it will work with double-speed machines. This is considered a test version so please use with caution and back up your data first. Freeware.
Dr. Nat's Database Collection 1 (Health) (3400 KB) added 05/05/2003 (Database)
Version 1.0 by Nathalie Bugeaud and others

Package of HP 200LX databases with lots of info about health. This is one of three parts of a huge package of databases by Nathalie Bugeaud. Freeware.
Dr. Nat's Database Collection 2 (Travel) (7200 KB) added 05/05/2003 (Database)
Version 1.0 by Nathalie Bugeaud and others

Package of HP 200LX databases with lots of info about traveling. This is one of three parts of a huge package of databases by Nathalie Bugeaud. Freeware.
Dr. Nat's Database Collection 3 (Other) (1800 KB) added 05/05/2003 (Database)
Version 1.0 by Nathalie Bugeaud and others

Package of HP 200LX databases with lots of info about various topics. This is one of three parts of a huge package of databases by Nathalie Bugeaud. Freeware.
DraftChoice (455 KB) added 11/11/1996 (Graphics)
Version HP2.1f by Trius Inc
Screen Capture

One of the best CAD programs for the HP Palmtop. Shareware.
DRAW-LX (25 KB) added 09/22/2005 (Graphics;Productivity)
Version 1.5 by Steve Novosad

DRAW-LX.EXE is a small program to draw PCX pictures on the HP 200LX's CGA display. It can draw points, lines or arrows, boxes or rectangles, curves, and alphanumeric text. See the help screens for usage in each mode. The code is not overly dependent on the 200LX and the program should run on any PC/XT compatible computer with a CGA display.
drugs.gdb (440 KB) added 03/01/2002 (Database)
Version 1.0 by Jeffrey Shames MD

HP 100/200 LX database listing of about 2300 generic drugs, along with US trade names and very brief prescribing information. It is based on the Edrugs Database authored by Fred Hurning Pharm.D.
Dspeed (1 KB) added 01/26/2002 (Driver)
Version 1.0 by Stefan Peichl

Double speed driver for speed upgraded HP 100LX and 200LX.
Check for a more recent version on Stefan Peichl's homepage

Dungeon (69 KB) added 09/22/1998 (Game)
Version 0.9 by Kurt Giesselman

A nifty dungeon & dragons-type game written for the HP95LX. Copyrighted freeware.
DWEEBPAK (70 KB) added 02/07/2002 (Calculator;Database;Lotus;Miscellaneous;Reference)
Version 1.0 by Leo Bellantoni

Collection of files from the HPLX of a real dweeb. Contains (a) a set of spreadsheets for curve fitting, numeric integration, uncertainty propagation, complex and vector arithmetic, and (b) a detailed GDB with reference info for use of 1-2-3 (thanks to Avi and Dave).
Please contact the author by email to get the password, which is needed to unzip the non-documentation files.
DXF to PAS converter (60 KB) added 07/04/2004 (Graphics;Import-Export)
Version - by Otavio Junior

Converter for Autocad DXF files to PAS (Turbo Pascal source). The included file "space" is an example.
DynaBoot (32 KB) added 06/05/1998 (Disk)
Version 1.1 by Matthew J. Palcic

DynaBoot is a dynamic configuration utility to allow multiple AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS combinations to be chosen from a menu, and edited from within DynaBoot (useful for viewing or modifying your configurations). DynaBoot can be most useful when a system requires a different boot-up for several people sharing the same system, or different required memory resident programs (TSRs) depending on the application to be run. Copyrighted freeware.
E4 Outliner (104 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Productivity)
Version 2.04 by N. Faulks

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
E4-Deluxe editor v2.04 is a text editor with user definable menus abd outlining. It will let you load and edit many files. The program itself takes about 40K bytes of disk space but the support files could eat up another 150K bytes. Shareware.
E88 Editor (35 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Productivity)
Version 4.00 by Emery Wooten

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
If you've used the Stereo Shell program you might be interested in another Emery Wooten program: E88. This small (14K byte) program was designed to help code Assembler language programs but it will work with small text files just as well. Shareware.
Early TWriter (250 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Multimedia)
Version 2.1 by Intelligent ducational Software

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Tutorial Writer is an earlier version of the development environment for producing DOS, text-based courses. It does not have many of the features of version 3.1 but, in some ways it's a better "fit" for the HP Palmtop. Shareware.
EASISTAT (358 KB) added 10/26/1999 (Calculator)
Version 2.1 by ARC Scientific Ltd.

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
EASISTAT is a statistical package that goes beyond the HP Calc, List/stat function. It is not as complete as SIMSTAT but is easier to use.
Easy Base (1.3 KB) added 01/26/1999 (Database)
Version 11.4 by Easy Software

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
A database development program from England. For DOS only. Has extensive, printable documentation, but no online help. Shareware. The ZIP file contains and EXE file which must be run to install the program. Configurable for LX screen.
Easy Project (167 KB) added 01/09/1997 (Productivity)
Version 4.02 by Parcell Software

Easy Project is a DOS-based project manager that runs on the HP 100/200LX. Works best under MaxDOS. Shareware.
echoT (10 KB) added 01/22/2002 (Text;Utility)
Version 1.0 by Daniel Hertrich

echoT acts similar as the DOS "echo" command, but adds a time stamp in front of the echoed text. Useful for reports created by batch files. Check for a more recent version on Daniel Hertrich's homepage
Ed200 (5 KB) added 11/11/1996 (Miscellaneous)
Version 1.0 by David Becher

A small utility to allow the built-in Memo application to be called from a DOS program. Freeware.
Editor (138 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Productivity)
Version 2.6 by Jack Bellamy

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
BIG and BIBMONO were originally designed for visually challenged people to let them read text on the screen of their computer. They turn out to be somewhat useful on the Palmtop and will outzoom ZOOM for DOS only text programs. Shareware.
Editor (23 KB) added 04/29/1999 (Productivity)
Version 1.0 by Ed Gilbert

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
An editor that allows lines of up to 64K in length. Full set of editing commands from lotus-like menu system. Documentation is missing but the basic use of the Editor is almost intuitive. Small and powerful. Copyrighted Freeware.
Electronic CAD (171 KB) added 10/26/1999 (Calculator)
Version 1.1 by FNC Corp.

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
ELCAD Electronics Circuits CAD Version:1.10 ELCAD Electronics Circuits CAD v1.10 - A program that draws the circuit used and then queries the user for knowns. It then computes unknowns: resistors, capacitors, inductors, transistor circuits, PUTS, unijunctions, AC, DC, heatsinks, phase angles, transformers, 555 timers and more. Displays formulas used, on simpler circuits. Very user friendly.
Electronic Calculator (40 KB) added 10/26/1999 (Calculator)
Version 1.0 by Kencom Co.

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Electronic Calculator computes resistance, power, current, voltage etc for simple DC/AC circuits.
Electronic Periodic Table of Elements (84 KB) added 01/23/1997 (Reference)
Version 2.0 by Joe Bork

The Electronic Periodic Table of Elements was written by Joe Bork when he was in the sixth grade. It runs pretty well on the palmtop, but probably needs some color help with CGAHLP. Shareware.
EM87 (13 KB) added 02/04/1997 (Miscellaneous)
Version 1.2 by Ron Kimball

EM87 has been successfully used to emulate an 8087 math co-processor on the HP 100/200LX. LapLink Remote Access may need to be removed from memory before EM87 will load. Shareware.
EMM100 (43 KB) added 03/04/1998 (Driver)
Version 0.40E by Hiroyuki Sekiya

EMM100 is an EMS driver for the HP 100LX. The program uses the memory mapping scheme of the HORNET chip and assigns EMS memory to the C: drive. Copyrighted freeware.
EMM200 (43 KB) added 01/17/1997 (Driver)
Version 2.00 by Hiroyuki Sekiya

EMM200 is an EMS driver for the HP 100/200LX. The program uses the memory mapping scheme of the HORNET chip and assigns EMS memory to the C: drive. Copyrighted freeware.
EMM240 (38 KB) added 05/07/1999 (Driver)
Version 2.40 by Hiroyuki Sekiya

EMM240 is an EMS driver for the 4MB HP 200LX. The program uses the memory mapping scheme of the HORNET chip and assigns EMS memory to the C: drive. Mr. Sekiya's original code was modified by David Becher with permission and the source code is included along with archived text of the permission to distribute. Copyrighted freeware.
English-Japanese Database (12 KB) added 11/11/1996 (Reference)
Version 1.0 by Unknown
Screen Capture

A nice database of English and Japanese words. Free.
English/Spanish Dictionary (82 KB) added 01/26/1999 (Reference)
Version 1.0 by David Montes Diaz

This is an English/Spanish dictionary for the Hp 100/200LX. Shareware version with limited vocabulary. Registeered version has 50,000 words.
Enhance DOS IF command (31 KB) added 10/13/1999 (Programming)
Version 4 by John Knauer,Jr.

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
IFF is a A Multifunction BATch File Utility that performs a multitude of functions, from asking a simple Y/N question to checking to see if a disk is formatted to checking if EMS memory is installed. Shareware.
Envision Publisher (605 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Productivity)
Version 1.01 by Software Vision Co.

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
If you want to do Palmtop Publishing, EnVision Publisher version 1.1, will get you started. It has scalable fonts, PCX and text import, drawing tools, style sheets, master pages, leading, kerning, line justification, text rotation. Prints on any printer (laser, dot-matrix, inkjet, PostScript), Shareware.
EScan (37 KB) added 02/04/1998 (Connectivity)
Version 0.4 by Toshiki Sasabe (Janbe)
Screen Capture

EScan is a scanner utility for the GT-6000/ES-300C scanner from Epson. It controls the scanner and saves the scanned image in BMP, ICN or PCX format on the HP 100/200LX. Copyrighted freeware.
EVA (174 KB) added 12/29/1997 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by George Bing

EVA of a nice roller coaster ride. Good drops!
EVA (117 KB) added 12/29/1997 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by George Bing

EVA of a 911 Carrera commercial
EVA "The Fifth Element" Trailer (443 KB) added 07/23/1998 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by Zaidon Khalil

A nice quality EVA of "The Fifth Element" movie trailer. Very good video and sound.
EVA "The Living Daylights" (209 KB) added 12/02/1997 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by George Bing

EVA of the opening sequence of "The Living Daylights" James Bond movie with Timothy Dalton and Maryam d'Abo. Nicely done.
EVA - Video Animation Loader (16 KB) added 12/22/1996 (Multimedia)
Version 2.50 by Tetsushi Yamamoto (Digiyama)
Screen Capture

Very fast video player for the palmtop. Has sound and seamless playback for EVA files. Please see the demo EVA files elsewhere on this site. Copyrighted freeware. Click here for an EVA search (EVA generator and movies)
EVA Audio Experiment (217 KB) added 12/29/1997 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by George Bing

EVA audio experiment. You'll know right away if it was successful.
EVA Data Code Entry (532 KB) added 03/16/1999 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by Zaidon Khalil

Lieutenant Commander Data locks the Enterprise computer with a very long code. Might be a neat EVA to play from a batch file before locking the palmtop.
EVA Demo - JFK Speech (653 KB) added 12/23/1996 (Multimedia)
Version 1.0 by Unknown

EVA demo of John F. Kennedy's famous speech. Sound quality is marginal.
EVA Demo - Race Car (142 KB) added 12/23/1996 (Multimedia)
Version 1.0 by Unknown

EVA format demo of a GTP car lapping a race track. Very cool!
EVA Goldeneye Trailer (291 KB) added 07/17/1998 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by Zaidon Khalil

A nice quality EVA of the James Bond "Goldeneye" movie trailer.
EVA In-Car Camera (366 KB) added 12/02/1997 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by George Bing

EVA of an open wheel race from an in-car camera. Cool.
EVA Jean-Luc (182 KB) added 03/16/1999 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by Zaidon Khalil

Short EVA snippet of Jean-Luc Picard reminding you not to forget the name Enterprise.
EVA Mercedes AAV Class (318 KB) added 12/29/1997 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by George Bing

EVA of the new Mercedes AAV class.
EVA Mercedes E Class (371 KB) added 12/29/1997 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by George Bing

A nice EVA of the new Mercedes E class.
EVA Mercedes E Class Commercial (1417 KB) added 12/02/1997 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by George Bing

EVA of a "sweeping spectacle" type of Mercedes television commercial (I believe the E class). Very long and very cool. Make sure you have the disk space for this one!
EVA Motorcycle Wheelie (51 KB) added 07/23/1998 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by Zaidon Khalil

A nice quality EVA of Kenny Roberts pulling a wheelie on a superbike. Very good video and sound.
EVA Mustang (1239 KB) added 12/11/1997 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by Jens Siffring

An EVA of a Ford Mustang.
EVA of a BMW (2616 KB) added 12/11/1997 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by Jens Siffring

Another nice EVA and a big one at that!
EVA Original "Friends" Intro (512 KB) added 12/02/1997 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by George Bing

EVA of the first season intro of the "Friends" television series.
EVA Porsche Carrerra Commercial (390 KB) added 12/29/1997 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by George Bing

EVA of the Porsche Carrerra television commercial. This is my favorite car of all time and I will be glad to offer TLC to any unwanted 911 Turbos. :)
EVA Probe (1060 KB) added 12/11/1997 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by Jens Siffring

EVA of a Ford Probe.
EVA Spiceworld Trailer (362 KB) added 07/23/1998 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by Zaidon Khalil

A nice quality EVA of the "Spiceworld" movie trailer. Very good video and sound. Not such a good movie...
EVA Suspended Coaster (154 KB) added 12/29/1997 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by George Bing

EVA of a suspended roller coaster.
EVA Yamaha R6 (340 KB) added 04/06/1999 (Multimedia)
Version EVA by Zaidon Khalil

An EVA of the new Yamaha R6 sportbike in action. Nice sound.
EVA5 Format (6 KB) added 02/07/1997 (Multimedia)
Version Temp by Tetsushi Yamamoto (Digiyama)

EVA5FMT is a simple introduction to the EVA5 format used in EVA version 0.2. The author hopes that others can use this information to build converters from other popular image data formats. Free.
EVAL (20 KB) added 10/26/1999 (Calculator)
Version 1.1 by Amitabh Saxena

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
EVAL is a general purpose command line calculator for performing many scientific & engineering calculations. The program is self explanatory, however should you still need help, instructions are available by typing EVAL /? at the DOS prompt. Freeware
Ex - Sci/Eng Calculator (135 KB) added 01/25/1997 (Calculator)
Version 1.53 by J. Andrzej Wrotniak

Offsite File. Ex is a powerful scientific/engineering calculator written especially for the HP LX series of palmtops. Ex will do unit conversion, function graphs, statistical operations and linear algebra. Shareware.
EX for HP (150 KB) added 10/26/1999 (Calculator)
Version 1.54 by J. Andrzej Wrotniak

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Ex A Scientific Calculator Version 1.54 by J. Andrzej Wrotniak. New versions of the program can be downloaded from http://www.freeflight.com/wrotniak/ex.html
Exemplary Database (41 KB) added 03/02/1999 (Database)
Version 1.0 by Ed Keefe

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Exemplary database for two database articles in the Mar/Apr, 1999 issue of The HP Palmtop Paper. The database contains over 60 database related tips,traps,techniques. It is designed as a medium for illustrating the many features and limitations of the HP database applications.
EXKey (14 KB) added 12/31/1996 (Keyboard)
Version 0.024 by Yoshihiro Hanaoka (Maruha)

EXKey is a TSR that allows you to move often-used keys to new locations and to assign a series of keystrokes to one key. Freeware.
ExmBatch (19 KB) added 04/18/1999 (Productivity)
Version 1.5 by Rod Whitby

Offsite File. ExmBatch provides a mechanism for running a DOS command from an EXM program. This will let you assign any DOS command an icon and hotkey in Application Manager. Copyrighted freeware.
EXMEXE (10 KB) added 09/06/1998 (Miscellaneous)
Version 1.00 by Hiroyuki Sekiya

EXMEXE is a DOS program that works with MoreEXM to launch an EXM program of the same name. Rename EXMEXE.EXE to HPALARM.EXE (for example) and HPALARM.EXM will be run. Originally part of the software collection sold with the "HP200LX Software Bible" co-authored by Hiroyuki Sekiya and Hirotaka Hamada, published by Softbank, Tokyo, in April 1996 (ISBN4-89052-911-X). Now released as copyrighted freeware.
Expert Choice (540 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Productivity)
Version 0.0 by Decision Support Software, Inc.

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Expert Choice is a decision support system that works on the HP 200LX in DOS only. This trial version contains two modes for decisions involving employees and investments. You can modify the criteria and perform sensitivity analysis on your decisions. An interesting idea. Freeware.
Expert Choice (553 KB) added 10/13/1999 (AI;Productivity)
Version 8 by Thinking Software Inc

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Artificial Intelligence: Two models are included: Employee and Invest. More models are available in the file MODELS.EXE. The program purports to use AI to help with decision making.
Expert System (77 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Productivity)
Version 1.00 by D. Marcellus

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
IMP Shell is an expert system development environment. It will let you develop new expert systems and run them. IMP expert systems are rule based, backwards chaining systems. They are very fast and not limited by an artificially small number of rules. Freeware.
Expert System Inference Engine, (93 KB) added 10/13/1999 (AI;Productivity)
Version 1 by Lightwave Consultants

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Artificial Intelligence: ESIE loads in a knowledge base, and builds inferences out of the IF-THEN rules, to act like an Advisor. Demos supplied: ANIMALS, DOCTOR, GLASS, DOS
Expert System Tool Kit (127 KB) added 10/13/1999 (AI;Productivity)
Version 1.0 by Thinking Software Inc

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Artificial Intelligence: an expert system development environment. Shareware from Thinking Software.
ExpertSystem (100 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Productivity)
Version 2.4 by Stephen Thurber

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
XXXPERT is an expert system development facility which includes an editor, file manager and expert systems inference engine packaged together in one integrated environment. You can use XXXPERT to develop expert systems that use rules you write in an English language syntax. Shareware.
EXPLORE (408 KB) added 10/26/1999 (Calculator)
Version 4beta by David Meredith

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
CC XPL is a programmable graphing mathematics processor for your PC. The present program is a beta test copy of version 4 of CC.
Explorer/Mind Changer (0 KB) added 01/23/2002 (AI;Productivity)
Version 1 by Mindware

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Artificial Intelligence: offsite commercial software. This inexpensive program will let your Palmtop mimic a non-directive counselor to help you solve problems and set goals.
Ext Batch Language (405 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Programming)
Version 4.09 by Seaware Corp.

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
EXTENDED BATCH LANGUAGE-PLUS ver 4.09 adds power features to batchfiles. On-line manual guides creation of batfiles. Windows use bouncing bar selection, pop-ups, fill-in-the-blank fields, buttons, and action bars. Has over 100 built-in commands and functions. Shareware.
Extended Prec Calculator (79 KB) added 10/26/1999 (Calculator)
Version 4.4 by Justin McClendon

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Extended Precision Calculator 4.4 BIGCALC works like an H-P calculator with stack and ten memory registers. Maximum precision settable from 3 to 1075 digits. Exponents to 999999999.
EZPrompt Batch Utility (3421 KB) added 12/12/2005 (Utility)
Version by

Batch file to create custom PROMPT banners as featured in Jan 1997 DOS World Magazine's "Best of the Batch"
EZScope (55 KB) added 04/13/1998 (Connectivity)
Version 1.0 by Alfred Lee
Screen Capture

EZScope is a digital oscilloscope, digital tone generator, and digital spectroscope. The EZScope requires the use of Analog Devices' ADSP 2181 EZ-Kit as its input and output. The EZScope can measure system response by stepping its tone generator. It runs well on the HP 100/200LX. Copyrighted freeware.
Family Scrap Book (994 KB) added 08/01/1997 (Miscellaneous)
Version 2.02 by Christopher Long

Offsite File. Look for the files -- fsb202-a.zip, fsb202-b.zip and fsb202-c.zip. Family Scrap Book is a genealogy program that runs well on the 100/200LX. Handles multiple databases of up to 99,999 persons each. Shareware.
FAQ (34 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Miscellaneous)
Version 1.2 by Walt Stoneburner

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
FAQ This program provides a way to browse FAQ files that you create.
FASTDB (4 KB) added 11/20/1996 (Database)
Version 1.0 by Andy Gryc

FASTDB is an HP 100/200LX System Manager TSR which changes the garbage collection strategy with the intent to speed up typical database use. Freeware.
FAXGUI (55 KB) added 05/23/1998 (Communication)
Version 1.0 by Jorgen Wallgren
Screen Capture

FAXGUI is a palmtop poweruser's answer to the lack of an excellent fax program for the HP 100/200LX. BGFAX is a great fax program that runs nicely, but it does not have the greatest user interface. The author created a rich interface to BGFAX using LXBatch. He even includes the source code. Using the 2FAX program, you can add graphics and your signature to customize faxes. This program is released with no support and minimal documentation, but it is good enough that it should not be kept from the palmtop community. Freeware.
Felixfon with Euro sign (3 KB) added 03/31/2003 (Font)
Version 1.0 by Felix Wessely

TSR which modifies the built-in fonts so they are more readable. Not all characters are replaced, so the RAM requirement is relatively low: 6.2kB. Check the Felixfon download page (German) for other interesting stuff and updates. This version has the Euro sign added at standard position d5 hex.
Felixfon without Euro sign (3 KB) added 03/01/2002 (Font)
Version 1.0 by Felix Wessely

TSR which modifies the built-in fonts so they are more readable. Not all characters are replaced, so the RAM requirement is relatively low: 6.2kB. Check the Felixfon download page (German) for other interesting stuff and updates.
FENTENT (228 KB) added 11/11/1996 (Reference)
Version 1.1 by Entente

Conversational French translator demo. Commercial.
Ferengi INI (5 KB) added 02/11/1998 (Reference)
Version 1.0 by Unknown

Ferengi INI is an APPTS.INI file that will pop up one of the Ferengi Rules of Engagement when you start your palmtop for the first time each day. Freeware.
FFDB (13 KB) added 04/07/1999 (Database)
Version 1.0 by Brian McIlvaine

FFDB is a Free Form DataBase for the HPLX and is system manager compliant (EXM). It will search for strings within the database, search for a date or date range and is well integrated with the built-in apps. Reminds you a bit of InfoSelect. Shareware.
Fifteen (5 KB) added 03/31/2003 (Game)
Version 1.4 by Pavel Zampach

Solitaire game with "Curtis Camerom look".
Figlets (217 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Graphics)
Version 2.2 by Glenn chappell

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
With Figlets for DOS you can create email signatures that add pizzazz and eat up bandwidth on the internet. In the days before WWW browsers and scalable fonts this was the best you could do with 7 bit ASCII characters and a monochrome screen. Fun to play with. Freeware.
File Dupes (13 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Disk)
Version 1.0 by Warren Smethurst

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
When your C: drive grows to 64M bytes and beyond, you'll probably wind up with several files that are duplicated in different directories. FDUPS is the simplest program to find these files. Just run it and it will put an FDUPS.TXT file in the root directory listing all possibly duplicate files. Freeware.
File Finder (7,5 KB) added 12/27/2002 (Disk;Utility)
Version 1.0 by Alan Krempler

Compact file find utility, comparable to the search utilities offered by WinXX. SysMgr compliant EXM program, integrates well with X-Finder, QuickView and other utilities. Copyrighted Freeware.
File Formatter (30 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Import-Export)
Version 1.00 by Greg Gaughan

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
File Formatter will let you extract data from a report, re-format the layout of a report, summarise a report, select only certain lines from a report, manipulate fields in a file, import/export database records, import/export spreadsheet records File Formatter is quick to master, and provides immediate results. Shareware.
File ID Check (18 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Disk)
Version 3.0 by Steve Greenspoon

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
IDCHEC attempts to identify a file. It also gives full TrueType font names, full descriptions of MOD and STM files, full descriptions of most Windows files, Resolution & color depth of GIFs, PCXs, BMPs. Good partner for 4DOS. Cardware.
File Master (German)_ (625 KB) added 10/13/1999 (Productivity)
Version 3.1 by Amelsberg&Weber

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
File Master is an XTREE Gold 3.1 clone and is entirely in German. For those who do not understand German, the program may still be useful. The pull down menus follow the standard format for most menus.
File Viewer (124 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Miscellaneous)
Version 3.0 by Pinnacle SOftware.

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
File Viewer/Printer SEE lists files of any size in hex or text format. Supports LPT1 to LPT9. Pull-down menus make SEE easy to use. Fully configurable! Freeware.
File2Dir (1432 KB) added 12/12/2005 (Disk;Utility)
Version by

Batch wrapped QBASIC to convert specified file to a folder that bears the same name as the file (minus the extension) -- useful when you downloaded tons of Zip programs from the internet into a folder and want to unzip eaxh one in its own folder
FileMaven (154 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Disk)
Version 3.5a by Kent Briggs

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
FMAV version 3.5 File Maven is a dual directory file manager with the added features of Laplink style file transfer and file encryption. It will also let you look at files inside .ZIP and .LZH and .ARJ compessed files. Freeware.
Files Verbose (7 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Disk)
Version 1.26 by Vernon Buerg

Courtesy of The HP Palmtomp Paper
FV displays the names and attributes of files contained within archive files with extensions of ARC, ZIP, PAK, DWC, LZH, ZOO, LBR and self-extracting .COM and .EXE files created by ARC, ZIP, PAK, LZH. Freeware.
Filini (19 KB) added 02/24/1997 (Productivity)
Version 1.02 by Masaki Tsumori (Brahma)

Filini is an EXM program that will allow you to launch programs from the Filer based on the filename extension. FILER.INI in the 200LX and Buddy have similar features, but Filini has the advantages of being an EXM and that it acquires the filename directly from the Filer work area. Copyrighted freeware.
FIND (39173 KB) added 12/12/2005 (Utility)
Version 2.6 by

Non-Microsoft FIND.exe clone from FREE DOS Website
Find Dupes (28 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Disk)
Version 3.8 by Karson Morrison

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Findup will give you a list of all files, sorted by file name, date, time, size. It will also tell you if the file is read only, hidden, system or sub directory. It will give you a list of all duplicate named files on your disk, with the same above information. Freeware.
Find/LX (46 KB) added 01/28/2002 (Productivity;Utility)
Version - latest by Andreas Garzotto

Offsite file: Find/LX finds strings inside files. Is very fast, because it uses an index for each file. Performs also "fuzzy" search, so it finds for example "Meeting in Munich" if you look for "munnich". Unsupported copyrighted freeware. Click here for more information.
Finger Paint (137 KB) added 12/16/1996 (Graphics)
Version 4.00 by Poisson Technology
Screen Capture

Finger Paint is a very nice "paintbrush"application for the palmtop. Older shareware.
Fire! (1 KB) added 11/30/1998 (Graphics)
Version 1.2 by Stefan Peichl

Fire is an incredible graphics simulation of burning flames that is only 333 bytes. It was ported from VGA to CGA using the Sphinx C-- compiler. Source code is included. Newest version has better special effects. Freeware.
Check for a more recent version on Stefan Peichl's homepage
First Basic (292 KB) added 04/24/1997 (Programming)
Version 1.0 by PowerBasic Inc.

FirstBasic is a DOS-based BASIC development environment that includes editor, debugger and object linker. Executables can be linked and distributed royalty-free. Shareware.
FlexPad (170 KB) added 07/05/2000 (Database)
Version 3.1 by Paul Kramer

Flexpad is a "flexible" text editor with a toolbox of appointment, todo and other labels to facilitate easy viewing of your PIM and other data. Shareware.
Flow Draw (244 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Graphics)
Version 2.2 by George Freund

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
FLODRAW is a diagramming program to create system flowcharts, electrical schematics and organization charts. Shareware
Font - Stefan Peichl's Font Collection (35 KB) added 01/22/2002 (Font)
Version 03-SEP-01 by Stefan Peichl

A collection of Stefan Peichl's system fonts built with Gilles Kohl's FCL and 8 different fonts to be used within HV. Freeware.
Check for a more recent version on Stefan Peichl's homepage
FontStuff (155 KB) added 01/21/1997 (Font)
Version 1.0 by Various

FontStuff is a big collection of fonts, font sources and utilities. Modifications to these fonts will require Gilles Kohl's FCL font compiler. Freeware.
ForAge (36 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Programming)
Version 1.00a by Pinnacle Software

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
ForAge is a helpful little utility that feeds the filename of the newest (or oldest) file in a group of files to another command. Ideal for quick automatic backups, or for use in an application where data files are processed in time and date order. Freeware.
ForthCMP compiler (111 KB) added 05/13/2002 (Programming)
Version 2.23s by Tom Almy

Offsite file: True Forth compiler (compiles to COM or EXE files), produces very fast and compact code. Ideal for writing small utilities. See also the palmtop functions library for ForthCMP!
ForthCMP libraries (26 KB) added 06/16/2002 (Programming)
Version 1.0 by Pavel Zampach

Collection of libraries for ForthCMP compiler for programming on HP 100/200LX
FORTHPAL Toolkit (12 KB) added 09/16/1999 (Programming)
Version 1 by Peniel Romanelli

This is a small toolkit for use with the HP-Pygmy Forth. It assumes that you have the HP-Pygmy Rel. 2 and are reasonably familiar with the Forth language. It's meant to make it easier to create Forth apps with the look and feel of the LX's built-in programs or those created using PAL.
Fraction (25 KB) added 11/29/1996 (Calculator)
Version 1.0 by M\Cooper

Fraction is a command-line fractional/decimal program. Freeware.
Franklin Planner System for HP200LX (6 KB) added 09/08/1997 (Productivity)
Version 1.0 by Jim Doolittle

Franklin Planner System for HP200LX contains two HP databases to allow you to integrate the Franklin system with your HP palmtop. Freeware.
Free DEBUG clone (79 KB) added 03/31/2003 (Programming)
Version ? by Submitted by John Jones

non-Microsoft DEBUG clone (debug.com). Downloaded from FREE DOS website. Copyrighted freeware.
FreeCell (25 KB) added 01/22/2002 (Game)
Version 3.0 by Curtis Cameron
Screen Capture

Freecell solitaire for the HP 100/200LX. This new version adds many new features: save move history to text file, easily find unsolved games, quickly find particular cards. Copyrighted freeware. Check for a more recent version on C. Cameron's homepage
Freeware Morse Code Trainer (26 KB) added 05/23/1997 (Ham-Radio)
Version 1.2 by David A. Nye KB9PSL

Freeware Morse Code Trainer is a nice little DOS program that has four different ways for you to learn Morse code. This version includes a mono screen switch (mc /m) that makes the program look great on the palmtop screen. Copyrighted freeware.
Freyja (493 KB) added 02/24/1998 (Text)
Version 3.0 by Craig A. Finseth

Freyja (Freyja Reduces Emacs Yet Joins All) is an Emacs-type text editor with a carefully chosen subset of commands. Also includes an RPN calculator and perpetual calendar. Includes SysMgr and DOS versions. Copyrighted freeware (postcard preferred).
Fruit Game (16 KB) added 12/20/1998 (Game)
Version 1.0 by E. Kako

Courtesy of The HP Palmtomp Paper
FRUIT FIELDS 95 is a puzzle game originally developed for the HP95 but it plays well on the HP 100/200LX. It's just as addictive as Sokoban or Freecell. Freeware.
FTP/LX (18 KB) added 01/28/2002 (Communication)
Version - latest by Andreas Garzotto

Offsite file: FTP/LX is is an FTP client for the WWW/LX software package. Freeware.
Fuel Oil Calculation Program (22 KB) added 01/11/1999 (Calculator)
Version 1.7 by Lars Josefsson

This is a DO program designed specifically for those who use fuel oil dor diesel power plants, boiler power plants or any other operator dealing with fuel oils. Shareware.
Fuzzy Logic (228 KB) added 10/13/1999 (AI;Productivity)
Version 2.02 by Xcentrics Inc

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Artificial Intelligence: FuzzyOne : Development System For Fuzzy Logic. Shareware but apparently abandoned.
Fuzzy Logic (223 KB) added 12/20/1998 (AI;Productivity)
Version 2.02 by Bud Moss

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
FUZZY provides a way to gain an understanding of fuzzy logic. You can specify inputs and outputs, formulate rules, then test the system through simulation. If the output is not what is expected, only a few keystrokes are required to change the input conditions. The new data can immediately be resimulated. Shareware.
Fuzzy Logic Engine (80 KB) added 10/13/1999 (AI;Productivity)
Version 1.0 by Lars Lindh

Courtesy of The HP Palmtop Paper
Artificial Intelligence:Pascal source code for Turbo Pascal 6.0 that will let you explore one application of fuzzy logic technology. Shareware, $20
FX (24 KB) added 09/16/1999 (Miscellaneous)
Version 1 by Mike Higgins

This is freeware software written using Power Basic that when run shows the program files in a directory.
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