LX Reference Library v. 1.2 (A Wealth of Hard/Software Information on the 1/200LX Palmtop) The following distribution is a technical reference for the Hewlett Packard 1/200LX palmtop PC, derived from the Developers Guide. It includes an in-depth discussion and explanations on using LHAPI on the LX. The CPACK is highly recommended for testing on desktop. Programs using the LHAPI can be written and compiled on the palmtop. Software examples and further aides can be found in the NKIT at http://www.palmtop.net/super. Further examples might be provided elsewhere or by asking around. The following files are included. LXREFPCX.ZIP Figures referred inside LXREF. 56 PCX files. LXREF.COM Swapping loader used if you want to view graphics LXREF.EXE Main program LXREF.NFO the hypertext database README.TXT this file The entire LXREF package can be run on the LX itself. There are also other NFO files that work with the runtime. (Such as bibles, books, historical documents...) In order to view the PCX files, you must execute the LXREF.COM file and have the LXPIC executable in your path. If you do not need to view the PCX files, then only LXREF.EXE and LXREF.NFO are needed. LXREF.EXE needs about 480kB of memory to run. *** LXREF USE *** LXREF is based on the Folio Views 2.1 Runtime for DOS. It is like Norton Guides or other hypertext programs. The following keys work in addition to the menu accelerators. SPACE Searches using Boolean logic, can use paranthetical ordering Boolean Operators include: or & = AND / = OR ^ = NOT * = wildcard ? = character wildcard Ctrl-Enter selects the current word in the top-left list. TAB Moves cursor to NEXT link token (upside down triangle, double arrow) SHFT+TAB Moves cursor to the PREVIOUS link token ENTER Follows the link the cursor is under Arrow keys Moves cursor one line or character CTRL+RightArrow Moves cursor one word right CTRL+LeftArrow Moves cursor one word left HOME/END Moves to beginning/end of line PGUP/PGDN Move up/down one window of text CTRL+PGUP Move to beginning of view CTRL+PGDN Move to end of view +/- keys Cycles one view forward/backward The default configuration of the LXREF viewer is to display successive views in overlapping windows. Occasionally you may need to zoom to full-screen to view a table correctly. To do this, either press CTRL-Z (zoom) or CTRL-V (table view). Zoom mode will say zoomed until press CTRL-Z again, or advance to a new view. All normal functions are available in Zoom mode. Table View mode is merely for viewing the current paragraph full-screen; no commands are available in Table View mode. No other help is provided by the makers of runtime (Folio). Questions or comments about the LXREF library should be posted to the HPLX-L mailing list. To join the HPLX-L mailing list, visit http://www.sp.uconn.edu/~mchem1/HPLX.shtml and choose the Subscribe option. Responses will be posted to alt.comp.sys.palmtops.hp.