EMM200 Patch for 4MB HP200LX
This is a patch information for EMM200.EXE(Ver.2.00). All information
on this page are subject to absolutely no warranty. You can apply this
patch only for HP200LX/4MB model.
- Applying patch.
- rename EMM200.EXE to EMM200.BIN
- under the DOS session apply patch
- rename EMM200.BIN to EMM200.EXE
- Or you can download the pre-patched binary
- Installing
- You need a special configuration program or hassle with debug command
to get work the patched version EMM200. Sorry I have no time to make the
program, please wait who wants it.
- This patch needs reconfigure of your RAM drive(C:), all data on the
C: drive will be lost during the instalation of EMS paging area. Be sure
to back your C: drive up.
- Who do not want to wait until the configuration program available,
make EMS paging area as followings:
- Make extended BIOS area writable
- set 2nd permanent sector memory start to your EMS paging file size(unit
1KB) 9f00:0a-0b
If you want 256KB of paging area, you can set the value as followings:
e 9f00:0a 0
e 9f00:0b 1
- subtract the same amount from the memory length field 9f00:0c-0d
If you have the 4MB model as same as mine, then these area may be
"00 08" . For the 256KB of paging area, you can set the value as followings:
e 9f00:0c 0
e 9f00:0d 07
- recalculate checksum and set it to 9f00:27-28(you may not need to set
because above step add XX to the table and subtract XX from the table)
- make extended BIOS area readonly
- issue initialize RAM Disk BIOS call with debug command
mov ax,ff01
mov dl,1
mov bx,0
mov cx,0
int 13
int 3
reset 200LX with ctl-alt-delete
check your RAM drive with chkdsk command.
transfer the patched emm200.exe from somewhere
make your config.sys include following line
restart 200LX
check with MEM command, whether it reports the availability of EMS