[題]: 200LX(4MB) ⇒ 20MB 化への改造


2002/02/10 (18:59:49) [ subjects ]: 200LX (4MB) remodelling to edition 20MB conversion


< Summary > At the if possible little high increasing capacity and degree of risk, it is finished number of hands and considers degree, 200LX (4MB) uses the 2MB ドータbaseplate of edition, 1 adds RAM to this baseplate and has decided to try converting 20MB.

It designates addition constitution as like below.

Permitting/inserting quantity: 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4 MB 2 + 8 + 2 + 8 = 20 MB

counts: 127 0 127 0 127 511 127 511 banks: 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 In other words 18160 or interchangeable items on the mother baseplate and the 2MB ドータbaseplate that way, in the ドータbaseplate inattentive coming mask land, RAM 13165 1 and arrange by the fact that AND gate 1 is placed 20MB. As for addition technique, |RAS1 of hornet CPU (126Pin) you insert address most significant bit A11 in the AND gate with by way of, take with |ras3 and insert that signal in |RAS of 13165. < Connection diagram >

なるべく少ない手数で高容量化、リスク度、仕上がり度を鑑みて、200LX(4MB) 版の 2MB ドータ基板を使い、この基板に RAM を1個追加して
20MB 化をしてみることにします。

容 量  :2+0+2+0=4MB ⇒ 2+8+2+8=20MB
カウント:127 0 127 0      127 511 127 511
バンク : 0  1  2  3        0  1   2  3

つまりマザー基板と 2MB ドータ基板上の 18160 or 互換品はそのままで、ドータ基板上の空きマスクランドに、RAM 13165 1個と AND ゲート1
個を乗せることで都合 20MB にする。
増設手法は、アドレス最上位ビット A11 をホーネットCPUの |RAS1(126Pin) 経由で AND ゲートに入れ、 |ras3 とのアンドを取ってその信号を
13165 |RAS に入れる。


                    『【hp】2MBドータ基板 Pin 接続図 』

' < Hp > 2MB ドータbaseplate Pin connection diagram '

                  13165          └─┘パスコン 【18160Compatible       
  ┌─ 1┌───┐VCC    VSS┌───┐50─┐    ┌────────┐ ┏━┓┃
      └───┘vcc    vss└───┘                        │ ┃  ┃┃
     2┌───┐D00    D15┌───┐49                      │ ┃  ┃┃
      └───┘d00    d15└───┘                        │ ┃  ┃┃
     3┌───┐D01    D14┌───┐48                      │ ┃  ┃┃
      └───┘d01    d14└───┘                        │ ┃  ┃┃
     4┌───┐D02    D13┌───┐47                      │ ┃  ┃┃
      └───┘d02    d13└───┘                        │ ┃  ┃┃
     5┌───┐D03    D12┌───┐46                      │ ┃  ┃┃
      └───┘d03    d12└───┘                        │ ┃36┃┃
     6┌───┐VCC    VSS┌───┐45                      │ ┃  ┃┃
      └───┘vcc    vss└───┘                        │ ┃  ┃┃
     7┌───┐D04    D11┌───┐44                      │ ┃┃┃
      └───┘d04    d11└───┘                        │ ┃  ┃┃
     8┌───┐D05    D10┌───┐43                      │ ┃  ┃┃
      └───┘d05    d10└───┘                        │ ┃┃┃
     9┌───┐D06    D09┌───┐42                      │ ┃  ┃┃
      └───┘d06    d09└───┘                        │ ┃  ┃┃
    10┌───┐D07    D08┌───┐41                      │ ┃┃┃
     └───┘d07    d08└───┘                        │ ┃  ┃┃
    11┌───┐NC      NC┌───┐40                      │ ┃  ┃┃
      └───┘nc      nc└───┘                        │ ┃┃┃
                                                            │ ┃  ┃┃
  └─12  ------  VCC    VSS  ------  39─┘                    │ ┃  ┃┃
                                                                │ ┃┃┃
    ┌13  ------  |WE  |LCAS  ------  38┐                      │ ┃  ┃┃
                                                            │ ┃  ┃┃
┃┌─┼14  ------  |RAS |UCAS  ------  37┼┐                    │ ┃┃┃
┃│                                    ││                    │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│  │15┌───┐NC     |OE┌───┐36┼┼┐                  │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│    └───┘nc      nc└───┘  │││                  │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│  │16┌───┐NC      NC┏━━━┓35│││                  │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│    └───┘nc   |lcas┗━━━┻─┘││                  │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│  │17┏━━━┓NC      NC┏━━━┓34  ││                  │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│  └─┻━━━┛|we  |ucas┗━━━┻──┘│                  │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│    18┏━━━┓NC      NC┏━━━┓33                      │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│┌──┻━━━┛|ras3  |oe┗━━━┻───┘                  │ ┃  ┃┃
┃││┌19┌───┐A0     A11┏━━━┓32───┐│                │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│││  └───┘nc  ┌─a9┗━━━┛        ││                │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│││20┌───┐A1─┘ A10┌───┐31      ││                │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│││  └───┘nc      a8└───┘        ││                │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│││21┌───┐A2      A9┌───┐30      ││                │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│││  └───┘a0      a7└───┘        ││                │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│││22┌───┐A3      A8┌───┐29      ││                │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│││  └───┘a1      a6└───┘        ││                │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│││23┌───┐A4      A7┌───┐28      ││                │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│││  └───┘a2      a5└───┘        ││                │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│││24┌───┐A5      A6┏━━━┓27──┐││                │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│││  └───┘a3      a4┗━━━┻─┐  │││                │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│││25┌───┐VCC    VSS┌───┐26│  │││                │ ┃  ┃┃
┃│││  └───┘vcc    vss└───┘    ││└────────┘ ┃  ┃┃
┃││└─────────────────┘  │└────┐             ┃┃
┃││                                -┌─┐+│                       ┃┃
┃││                            パスコン└─┘ │   ホーネット |RAS1(126Pin) ┃  ┃┃
┃││       |RAS1                                                   ┃┃
┃││      ┌────────────────-)─────┘             ┃┃
┃││         7SL08F   ↑VCC                                    ┃┃
┃││      │ 1┌────┐5 │                                       ┃┃
┃││|ras3 └─┤InB  Vcc├─┘                                     ┗━┛┃
┃│        ┌─┤GND  Out├─┐              └────→ ホーネット A10(133Pin) ┃
┃│        │ 3└────┘4 │                                             
┃│ |RAS   ┴VSS                                                          
                                                                 (GTS 12)  

Thickly the pretinning doing beforehand, the ホルマル line (length approximately 3cm) you attach the framework land.

              ──── :ジャンパ線  - It is thick the jumper cable


With the sign which is added in the upper figure land, Kohumi letter alphabet of the lower position shows the land signal, upper numerical value & capital letter alphabet show the pin foot & the signal of 13165.


上図ランドに付記した記号で、 下段の小文字アルファベットはランド信号を示し、上段の数値&大文字アルファベットは 13165 のピン足&信号


< Notice > 1. When shaving the mask land with the mini- rooter, when you push, because it shaves to the land, it applies it shaves the bit point by power. (Time catches, but even with the cutter knife OK)

2. RAM 2 Hari has been brought together RAM 13165, in inside. When (you look at the basis of the Pin foot, you can verify competing) because of that, when bending the Pin it peels off foot & with extending, because it is, as for the solder using the flux and the like, the one which the getting wet of the solder is improved is good.

3. After time fast conversion it meaning that the picture is disordered, with standard speed checking 20MB first with Self TEST, the one which does is good. When it is possible with the operating speed of existing RAM, there is detonation velocity conversion.

4. It is general story of remodelling, but when it guarantees the command support aircraft, when room of time and vigor is complete, the fact that you are not hasty and do slowly securely is the key to success. ! With says too excessively putting in place period, repugnance pouring, because the you put away in the beer which the air comes out, motivation growing, when feeling rode, don't you think? it finishes at a stroke and it is partly due to a thing.


< Main point item >

1. While after the soldering Pin, verifying with the magnifier, the one which it advanced does not catch future time.

2. Hornet |RAS1 (126Pin) to it wires, both sides the masking the waypoint of the ホルマル line peels the clothing with the iron the solder. Or the ホルマル line the tune the pretinning doing the point which is bent, it solders in the baseplate of 126Pin basis.

< Preparation job >

1. Cutting the ホルマル line in length, approximately 3cm the pretinning it does one side. 7

2. NC of DRAM 13165 the unnecessary Pin foot is snapped beforehand. Concrete 11,15,16,17,18,33,34,35,40 9. Pin which extends the foot horizontally is 12,13,14,19,20,27,32,36,37,38,39 11.


<Foundation making of ドータbaseplate >

1. The mask land of the 2MB ドータbaseplate is scraped-off with the mini- rooter.

2. It is less crowded as a power source for the AND gate パスコンランド? On side 1 place it shaves with the mini- rooter.

3. The pretinning it does in the land, the excessive solder with the solder sucking/absorbing taking line makes level. < Job procedure >

2.RAM 13165 は、内部で RAM が2枚張り合わされています。(Pin 足の根元を見ると張り合わせが確認できます)そのため Pin 足の折り曲げ
3.倍速化は、画面が乱れるのでまず標準速で 20MB Self TEST でチェックしてから行った方が良い。爆速化は既存 RAM の動作速度により


1.Pin の半田付け後、ルーペで確認しながら進めた方が後々手間が掛からない。
2.ホーネット |RAS1(126Pin) への配線は、両サイドをマスキングし、ホルマル線の中間点を鏝で被服を剥き半田付け。またはホルマル線を曲
  げて曲げた先端を予備半田して、126Pin 根元の基板に半田付けする。


1.ホルマル線を長さ約 3cm に切って片側を予備半田する。7本
2.DRAM 13165 NC な不要な Pin 足を予め折る。具体的には 11,15,16,17,18,33,34,35,40 の9本。
  足を水平に伸ばす Pin 12,13,14,19,20,27,32,36,37,38,39 の11本です。

1.2MB ドータ基板のマスクランドをミニルータで削り取る。
2.AND ゲート用電源として空きパスコンランドの−側にミニルータで1ヶ所削る。


1.17,18,27,32,33,34,35 Pin に準備したホルマル線7本を半田

1. 7 ホルマル lines which are prepared in 17,18,27,32,33,34,35 Pin the solder attaching.


2.RAM の足にフラックスを塗り、四隅の Pin から対角線状に

2. It paints the flux in the foot of RAM, from Pin of the four corners keeps soldering in diagonal line. The data line -> the address line -> order of the jumper cable is easy to wire, is.


3.接続図に従い、ホルマル線を所定の Pin にジャンパ半田

   特に A11 からの線は、ホーネット の |RAS1(127Pin) に半
   田付けし、Uターンして AND inB に接続する点が慎重を

3. In accordance with the connection diagram, the ホルマル line in specified Pin the jumper solder attaching. Especially the semi- rice field it does to attach the line from A11, to |RAS1 (127Pin) of the hornet, U turns and the point which is connected to inB of AND requires prudence.


4.AND ゲートは、半田付けし易いように電源 Pin を除いて、
  きパスコンランドに AND ゲートの電源ランドを合わせ、瞬間


4. It is easy to solder the AND gate, inserting the cutter knife and the like in the foot groove beforehand excluding sea urchin power source Pin, it extends, adjusts the power source land of the AND gate to empty coming パスコンランド, locks with the instantaneous adhesive agent. If if all wiring later, there is stock パスコン, it is less crowded and solders in the Pasco Corporation land.


< Electrification verification >

1. Before turning on electricity, check whether electrical power system is not short ドータbaseplate as a single unit.

2. When the ドータbaseplate is installed and LX the assembly is corrected, [ ESC ] + [ to do Self TEST with ON ], each bank count 20M OK to be indicated with 127 511 127 511, the completion. (^^) v

3. When turned on electricity ピィー sound does immediately with power source ON, putting the ドータbaseplate it is different, or can think the bridge short circuit of RAM.

4. When bad ram* it is indicated with Self TEST, the bridge or it is the solder of the expanded RAM or AND gate defective. While seeing with the magnifier, the re-solder please do the fascinating place.


< Harmful influence measure > When it is Over 8MB, it cannot guarantee EMS with JKIT. In addition the illegal character is caused. As a measure, it is cancelled by the fact that the patch of the and is applied to with LXFONT. Furthermore it is outside the operational object, but in regard to utility there is no problem even with JKITFREE Ver1.11, the arm it does. Http: //hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA003628/jkitpat.html


2.ドータ基板を組込み、LX を組立直したら、[ESC]+[ON] Self TEST を行い、各バンクカウントが 127 511 127 511 20M OK と表示されれ
3.電源 ON で通電した途端にピィー音がしたら、ドータ基板の挿し違い、または RAMのブリッジショートが考えられます。
4.Self TEST bad ram* と表示されたら、増設 RAM または AND ゲートのブリッジまたは半田付け不良です。ルーペで見ながら妖しい所を再


Over 8MB ですと JKIT EMS が確保出来ません。また文字化けを起こします。
対策として、LXFONT に でじやま氏のパッチをあてることで解消されます。なお動作対象外ですが、JKITFREE Ver1.11 でも実用上問題ないようで
す。 http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA003628/jkitpat.html


< Electric power consumption >

 Suspention: 1**mA (digital multiple measurable quantity)

normal: 25 mA (analog tester measurable quantity)

application starting: 100 -> 80mA (analog tester measurable quantity)

operating time: Approximately -15% (BATTLOG Ver2)


 < Thought > By the fact that 4MB edition 200LX is used, as an original addition at the extremely little job quantity, high of substance 2MB + addition remodelling 18MB ドータbaseplate = 20MB it was possible and increased to increase capacity.

Just adds RAM and AND gate each 1 to the 2MB ドータbaseplate high increasing capacity assures, the jumper cable to be little remodelling job and being easy, the completion and clean, as addition remodelling you think that to be easy to tackle the effect are large. If 20MB there is C drive, the dictionary and communication environment and it is arranged easily, C drive backup do not press the flash capacity of A drive whole, think that it is the capacity which it is easy to handle. Also operating time does not become matter of concern is and. (^^) Because job is possible ドータbaseplate as a single unit, failing temporarily, if it peels addition RAM, it becomes as before LX because and, also risk is held down to minimum, you felt at rest extremely and the also those where you can remodel were the merit.

< Thanks > Everyone of the @nifty FHPPC 9th board room, and we appreciate in many seniors. _ (..)

< Tool & material >


soldering iron: Goot (CX-20) 100V/12W (Taiyo electrical machinery and appliances industry)

solder: Superfine (φ 0.38) eutectoid solder & solder sucking/absorbing taking line: HOZAN No.3736 SIZE0.9mmX3.0m (ホーザン)

flux: Non washing type for printed circuit board (HB-20F) (Sunhayato)

mini- rooter: イングレーバ (EB-406)

bit attachment (パオックコーポレーション)

digital multiple: FLUKE 77SERIES

magnifier: 15x トルクス: #6

small-sized nipper pincette & muddler (laughing)


LX itself: HP 200LX (4MB) Palmtop PC DRAM

(128Mbit): Hitachi HM5113165FTD6 (no Self r ef r esh) (A & T agency)

logic IC: Toshiba TC7SL08F or interchangeable item ホルマル

line masking tape キムワイプ

paper cotton stick IPA


サスペンド: 1.**mA(デジタルマルチ測定値)
ノーマル  : 25 mA(アナログテスタ測定値)
動作時間 :約 -15%BATTLOG Ver2


4MB 200LX を使うことで、自作増設としては割と少ない作業量で、本体2MB+増設改造18MBドータ基板= 20MB の高容量化することが出来
2MB ドータ基板に RAM AND ゲート各1個を追加するだけで高容量化が図れ、ジャンパ線も少なく改造作業も楽で仕上がりも綺麗、増設改造
Cドライブが 20MB あれば辞書や通信環境も楽に整えられ、Cドライブの丸ごとバックアップもAドライブのフラッシュ容量を圧迫せず、扱いやすい

ドータ基板単体で作業が出来るので、仮に失敗しても追加 RAM を剥がせば元通りの LX になるし、リスクも最小限に抑えられるので、割と安心し


@nifty FHPPC 9番会議室の皆さん、そして多くの諸先輩方に感謝いたします。 _(..)_


半田鏝:goot(CX-20) 100V/12W(大洋電機産業)
半田吸取線:HOZAN No.3736 SIZE0.9mmX3.0m(ホーザン)
デジタルマルチ:FLUKE 77SERIES
LX本体:HP 200LX(4MB) Palmtop PC
DRAM(128Mbit):日立 HM5113165FTD6 (no Self efesh)(A&T代理店)
ロジックIC:東芝 TC7SL08F または互換品